The Artifact of Literature

November 21-22, 2008

Artifact of LiteratureThe symposium seeks to explore the connection between a variety of Japanese literary works (waka, Buddhist tales, diaries, and avant-garde poetry) and their materiality as manuscripts, handscrolls, albums, and illustrated books. One underlying assumption is that the close study of literary artifacts reveals something about the texts that cannot be understood in reproduction. In one sense this approach emphasizes the importance of primary materials and the belief that encounters with original works can lead to new insights into the texts themselves.

With this theme in mind, the symposium participants will each focus on a single artifact of Japanese literature, in most cases, an object housed in the collection of the Harvard-Yenching Library and the Sackler Museum of Art in the Harvard University Art Museums.

The symposium papers will be divided into three panels, the first focusing on “The Materiality of Classical Japanese Literature” with papers on rare manuscripts in the Sackler collection: a Tale of Genji manuscript, a copy of Fujiwara Teika’s diary The Record of the Clear Moon (Meigetsuki), and the imperial poetic treatise Yakumo mishō compiled by Emperor Juntoku (1197-1242). A second panel on “Religion and Pictorial Narrative” will consist of four papers by scholars of premodern Japanese literature, focusing on Buddhist literature and setsuwa, or short tales, and their pictorialization in the emaki format. While the third and final panel of the conference, “The Book as Object,” will explore the art of the Japanese book, from sixteenth-century Nara e-hon and later woodblock printed books to late twentieth-century book design.



The Edwin O. Reischauer Institute of Japanese Studies

The Harvard University History of Art and Architecture Abby Aldrich Rockefeller Innovation Fund

National Institutes for the Humanities, National Institute of Japanese Literature (人間文化研究機構 国文学研究資料館)

See also: Conference, 2008

November 21-22, 2008

The Thompson Room
The Barker Center for the Humanities
12 Quincy Street
Cambridge, MA 02138

9:00 AM: Opening Remarks
メリッサ・マコーミック (Melissa MCCORMICK) ハーバード大学
エドウィン・クランストン (Edwin CRANSTON) ハーバード大学 

9:30 AM: Keynote Address
伊井春樹 (II Haruki) 国文学研究資料館
“Scenes of Genji:  The Expansive and Reductive Capacity of Pictorialization”

10:00 AM:
第1パネル 「和歌、物語、翻訳」 The Materiality of Classical Literature

伊藤鉄也 (ITŌ Tetsuya) 国文学研究資料館
「ハーバード大学所蔵『源氏物語』の本文」 “The Harvard Genji Manuscript”

ポール・アトキンス (Paul ATKINS) ワシントン大学
「ハーバード大学所蔵『明月記』(嘉禄2年9月巻自筆本)について 」 “The Harvard Meigetsuki”

海野圭介 (UNNO Keisuke) ノートルダム清心女子大学
「ハーバード大学蔵伝後二条天皇筆『八雲御抄』(藤波切)について」 “An Imperial Poetic Treatise, the Yakumo mishō”

迫村知子 (Tomoko SAKOMURA) スワースモア大学
“The Pictoriality and Materiality of Waka: Harvard Yenching Library’s Book of Fans”

Discussant: エドワード・ケイメンズ (Edward KAMENS) エール大学

12:30 PM: Lunch
2:00 - 4:00 PM: 美術館所蔵品特別観覧 Art Object Study Session
This is a closed session and not open to the public. Participation is by invitation only.

4:00 - 7:00PM: Free time

7:00 PM: Reception - Reischauer Institute of Japanese Studies Annual Dinner
Japan Friends of Harvard Concourse, CGIS South Building, 1730 Cambridge Street

7:30 PM: Dinner - Reischauer Institute of Japanese Studies Annual Dinner
(same as above)

The reception and dinner are for conference panelists and by invitation only.

NOV. 22 (Saturday)

8:30 AM: Continental Breakfast

9:00 AM: Greeting
鈴木淳 (SUZUKI Jun) 国文学研究資料館

9:15 AM:
第2 パネル 「宗教と説話」 Religion and Pictorial Narratives

荒木浩 (ARAKI Hiroshi) 大阪大学
“The Form of Dreams, the Shape of Narratives: ‘The Dream of the Severed Head of Kiyomori’”

楊暁捷 (X. Jie YANG) カルガリー大学
「『白鼠弥兵衛物語』に中世の幻想を読むー絵画表現を手掛かりにー」 “Medieval Reverie through ‘The Tale of White-rat Yahyoe’”

ケラー・キンブロー (Keller KIMBROUGH) コロラド大学
「煩悩消滅物語 —『為世の草子』における自殺連鎖 —」
“Extinguishing the Flame:  Cycles of Suicide in Tameyo no sôshi (Harvard Art Museum)”

小峯和明 (KOMINE Kazuaki) 立教大学
「須弥山世界の図像と言説を読む」 “The Iconography and Discourse of Mount Sumeru”

Discussant: 徳田和夫 (TOKUDA Kazuo) 学習院女子大学

12:00 PM: Lunch

1:30 PM:
第3 パネル 「『もの』としての本」 The Book as Object

鈴木淳 (SUZUKI Jun) 国文学研究資料館
「美術意匠としての日本絵本」 “Illustrated Books as Artistic Design”

入口敦志 (IRIGUCHI Atsushi) 国文学研究資料館
「師宣の雲 ―飾り枠小考―」 “Moronobu’s ‘Clouds’ — Thoughts on the Decorative Frame”

レーチェル・サンダーズ (Rachel SAUNDERS) ハーバード大学
「武井武雄 (1894-1983)「刊本作品」中におけるテキストとパラテキスト」
“Text and Paratext in the kanpon sakuhin of Takei Takeo 武井武雄 (1894-1983)”

ジョン・ソルト (John SOLT) Independent Scholar
「モダニティーの古色:日本の二十世紀と二十一世紀の前衛ブックデザイ ンの見本集」
“The Patina of Modernity: A Sampler of Japanese Avant-Garde Book Design from the 20th and 21st Centuries”

Discussant: 石川透 (ISHIKAWA Tōru) 慶応義塾大学

4:00 PM: Break

4:15 – 5:00 PM: Closing Remarks
ハルオ・シラネ (Haruo SHIRANE) コロンビア大学
「テクスト・イメージ・メディア」 “Text, Image, Media”

Final Discussion Moderator:  神作研一 (KANSAKU Ken’ichi) 金城学院大学

6:30 PM: Dinner (at the Inn at Harvard)
The dinner is for conference panelists and by invitation only.

Directions to Harvard Square

By Car

Due to heavy construction in and around Harvard Square please allow an extra 15-20 minutes of travel time. 

From the West (I90 – Massachussetts Turnpike): Take Exit 18 (Cambridge/Allston). Bear right after the toll booth at the end of the exit ramp. At the third set of lights (over the bridge), turn left onto Memorial Drive. After the second set of lights, turn right onto JFK Street. Go through two sets of lights. At the third set of lights, turn right. This is the center of Harvard Square. Please see the list below for parking in Harvard Square.

Public Parking Around Harvard Square: As a convenience for our visitors we list below several commercial garages which may offer spaces. None is endorsed by Harvard.

Pilgrim Parking/Church Street
41 Church Street
(617) 661-5614

Harvard Square Garage
15 Eliot Street
(617) 354-4168

University Place Garage
124 Mt Auburn Street
(617) 491-0801

By Air
From Logan Airport
By subway (the “T”): Take the SILVER Line to South Station. Switch to the RED LINE outbound (toward ALEWIFE), go six stops and get off at HARVARD. The subway ride from Logan Airport takes approximately 45 minutes. The fare is $2.00.

By Taxi
The ride to Harvard Square takes about 20-30 minutes, depending on traffic, and costs about $35.

From South Station (Bus/Train Station)
Take the RED LINE toward ALEWIFE from South Station six stops to HARVARD SQUARE.

Campus Map

The Barker Center is located at 12 Quincy Street, Cambridge, MA 02138. The building can be found in the lower right-hand corner of the following map:

Harvard Map

Other images of the Harvard campus can be found at